Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rome Was Not Built in a Day

10. Accounting from vouchers†¦ Cont. after Palak Shah†¦. CHART EXPLAINING THE INTERPRETAITION AND SHOEING THE EFFECTS OF VOUCHER†¦ CHART 1 |SR. NO. |VOUCHER |INTERPRETATION |WHERE IT IS RECORDED? | |1. Our cash memo |Cash sales |Recorded in debit side of cash book | |2 |Cash memo of other party |Purchase of goods or assets on cash |Recorded in credit side of cash book | |3 |Credit memo of other party |Credit purchase of goods and assets |Recorded in purchase book and journal | | | | |proper | |4 |Our credit memo |Credit sales of goods |Recorded in sales book | |5 |Our debit note |Purchase return of goods |Recorded I purchase return book | |6 |Our credit note |Sales return of goods |Recorded in sales return book | |7 |Debit note of other party |Sales return of goods |Recorded in sales return book | |8 |Credit note of opposite party |Purchase return of goods |Recorded in purchase return book | |9 |Receipt issued |Money received in cash or cheque by us |Recorded on debit side of cash book | |10 |Receipt of opposite party |Payment made on cash or cheque |Recorded n credit side of cash book | |11 |Pay-in slip |Cash, cheque or draft deposited in bank |Recorded on debit side of cash book | | | | |Recorded on both side of cash book | |12 |Counterfoil of the cheque |Cash withdrawn from ban for office use |Recorded on both side of cash book | | |Payment made to creditors |Recorded on credit side of cash book | |13 |Expense voucher |Expense made by cash |Recorded on credit side of cash book, cash| | | |Expense made by cheque |column | | | | |Recorded on credit side of cash book, bank| | | | |column | |14 |Income tax challan |Income tax paid by cheque or cash |Recorded on credit side of cash book on | | | | |cash/bank column | |15 |Sales tax challan |Sales tax paid by cash or cheque |Recorded on credit side of cash book n | | | | |cash/bank column | |16 |Particulars of correspondence |Regarding bank charges |Recorded on credit side of cash book | | | |Regard ing interest credited by bank |Recorded on debit side of cash book | | | |Regarding dishonor of cheque deposited | | Explanation of terms: – 1.Contra Transactions: Those transactions, which are recorded on both the sides of cash book, debit and credit, are known as contra transactions. 2. Bank charges: bank provides service to our business. Receives money on our behalf, collects payments of outstations cheques and makes payment to outstation traders on our behalf. Bank takes care of our money. Therefore, bank charges some charges as remuneration for providing such type of various services. It is known as bank charges. 3. Expenses for assets: When any asset is purchased, the expenses on purchase of assets are also debited to the asset account and it is recorded in asset account after adding such expense. CHART 2 [pic] Cash purchase | |cash sales | |payment to creditors | |Payment of bills payables | |Received collection | |Received for bills receivable | |Income received | |Expenses paid | |Cash brought in as capital | |Drawings through cash | |Loan/advances received | |Loan/advanced repaid | |Bank interest | |bank charges | |cash deposited in bank | |cash withdraw from bank | |Credit purchase of goods | |- Recorded in purchase goods | |Credit sales of book | |- Recorded in sales goods | |Purchase return of book | |- Recorded in purchase return goods | |Sales return of book | |- Recorded in sales return goods | |Bills payable accepted | |- Recorded in bills payable goods | |Bills receivables received | |- Recorded in bills receivable goods | |Other transactions | |- Recorded in journal proper etc. | CHARACTERISTICS OF VOUCHER: 1. The name of the party who is preparing the voucher is written on the top of the voucher and the name of the party to whom the voucher is given below. 2. From the voucher, the information like date on which transaction has taken place; its amount, type of transaction, terms and conditions of transactions etc are available. 3 . Voucher gives an idea about the parties between whom the transactions has taken place. 4. Voucher also gives an idea about weather the transaction is cash or credit? 5.If we have prepared the voucher, its original copy is given t the opposite party and its duplicate is kept with us. 6. If the original copy of the voucher is with us, it shows that the opposite party has prepared the voucher. 7. For transactions with bank, the printed vouchers are available from the bank in which we only need to fill the particulars. 8. In respect of amount paid, if it is not possible to obtain the voucher or receipt from the opposite party, the trader himself prepares the voucher and takes the signature of the opposite party or the authorized person of firm puts the signature sanctioning the voucher. ———————– Types of transactions Cash transactions Recorded in cash book Credit transactions Recorded in subsidiary book Rome Was Not Built in a Day There were things in the world which take a considerably long time to mature. It is the nature of a task that determines the length of time it would take to be accomplished. Some people are in the habit of getting impatient, when a task takes a little too long to complete. They do not understand or rather coyeniently forget the nature of the task and start losing heart. This idiom is used to tell the impatient people that great things are not done or accomplished overnight. Such things require long time, patience and continuous effort. Rome is the name of a city in Italy. At one time it was the capital of the Roman Empire. It was the citadel of the Roman Catholic Church. It was Roman Emperor Augusta’s who is consi ¬dered to be the real builder of Rome. Rome consisted of only a few hamlets when Augustus came to the throne. It took about 40 years for him to transform the face of Rome into a metropolis, adorned with beautiful mansions, theatres, temples, public baths and many other public buildings. It took a long time for this city to develop into a grand city of the world. In the same way every important task takes some time to be completed. There are two aspects of the matter. First, all big or important things take time to be accomplish ¬ed. Secondly, one should never grow impatient if some work takes a long time. What is required is perseverance and not haste. A close look at the maxim will make it evident that the word ‘Rome’ represents a great or noble or a monumental task. And the words ‘in a day’ indicate the span of time. The position is now very clear that monumental or great things cannot be done in haste, they require not one day but a long period of time. It is an advice to those who after having put in a little work or labor want excellent result immediately. They would be committing a mistake by doing so. It is again a lesson for those who want to do big or great things in life that they should be prepared to work hard continuously for a long time without losing patience. Patience is crucial in this process. Impatience will lead you nowhere. It will waste the labor or efforts you have already put in. Therefore, it is advisable to learn this lesson and translate it into action. One should have a firm determination and should sincerely work hard. One cannot achieve success unless one puts in the required amount of work in a specified period. The period of time is as important as the amount of labor. Therefore, the key to the accomplishment of any big task is labor, patience and perseverance. Suppose a man is not keeping good health. He wants to improve his health. Can any exercise, medicine or tonic improve his health over night ? The answer is obviously ‘no’. For improving his health the man will have to take regular exercise, and medicines for a period of time, before he can find any improvement in his health. If after a few days he feels discouraged, because he finds that exercise and medicines have done no good to him it is a fit case when he should be given this piece of advice. Similar is the case of a student who wants to obtain distinction in his annual examination and works hard for a few days, but getting on better result in the terminal examination he loses heart. Regular hard work for a considerably long period of time will ensure a distinction in the annual examination. No one is going to achieve the result without putting in required in-put of labor coupled with time. Patience is the essence of it. The Taj Mahal is a monumental architecture. It took decades for its building. Shah Jehan got this finest piece of architecture constructed with great patience and with huge expenditure over a long span of time. It is because of these factors that the Taj occupies a place of pride in India. In many cases we find men becoming impatient to pluck the fruits of their labor instantaneously or overnight. They are like that foolish farmer who sowed the seed and went the next morning with a sickle in his hand to reap the crop. Great undertakings require hard work over a long period of time. It is childish either to desire a result without sufficient work for a certain period of time or to give up the attempt after some time. A careful analysis of several important achievements will be enough to convince anybody that perseverance plays a very important role in the successful accomp ¬lishment of any task. Look at the strenuous work put in by those who achieved success in any great adventure or undertaking. They would have never succeeded without patience. Great discoverers have shown wonderful tenacity of purpose and commendable endurance in their pursuits. They never showed any sign of discouragement even after successive failures. Had they been hasty or had they show signs of disappointment, they would not have been remembered today with such great honor. We are all aware of the perseverance that enabled Tensing reach atop Everest. Milton took a quarter-century of years to complete his great epic. Tulsidas took several years of constant labor in com ¬piling his Ramcharit Manas. This maxim serves as an inspiration to hard and continuous work for achieving great tasks or for performing great adventure. It keeps disappointment away from you. It also tells you of the value of sustained effort. Thus it hands over the key to success in life.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Media Research Example Essay

Start with a short intro You can start with the title or genre as your basic point. Dicussing why, where,when or how. Remember to always do background checking on the genres to get the codes and conventions to make yours suit the conventions, not to confuse your target audience. Dont forget to do some research on your target audience too. This is essential. Other research you can do, for example on scripts or previous posters similar to yours is a mustdo and a real big help! My example: Research for my thriller film Forbidden Pieces For the title of my film, I researched different films that had similar film ideas to mine and tried to think of a title that would represent my idea but not give it away as soon as someone read it. I looked at different musical words with other adjectives and came up with these ideas and after asking those from my target audience they agreed that Forbidden Pieces would be the best title. >Swinging Life. > Forbidden Pieces > Crescendoing complications > Paper Cut This is because some of the scenes I believe a younger audience wouldn’t understand, yet there are parts that I believe students can relate to better than adults – that is also why I have based my film in a school with a student around education – something that influences students every day, or that they can relate to everyday. I then asked them using my questionnaire and series of questions; one being what they would like to see in a psychological thriller, nearly all of them said suspense or death and blood, one that makes you really think. So with their list of most popular everyday uses I have added a few to my film, including laptops, phones and school equipment as well as music. Usually in a psychological thriller, the target audience is those who are above the age of 18 and this is because of some of the characters may have psychological illnesses that younger viewers would find disturbing. However, for my film Forgotten Pieces, I have lowered my target audience to 15 because there is not going to be so much bloody scenes. My character does in the end go insane after loosing everything, and commits suicide – not that you see her commit suicide just her feet hanging, meaning it is suitable for slightly younger teens. Past research has shown that women are more attracted to psychological thrillers, because they enjoy the mystery and story behind events that take place in thriller films. My script research has come from many different things, the first from looking at thriller scripts online. I found that the website: was really helpful, as it gave me lots of different thriller scripts to look up. I used the scripts from 13 Ghosts, and Sixth Sense to help me, and I realised when and where I had to make things bold, or stand out more by putting them into caps. I never realised how hard writing a script could be, how much you actually have to include. I also looked at what my target audience would like to see in a thriller film, and used that in my script. As well as making the dialogue modern but still sounding posh or proper English at some parts as the school is for the elite. start off with, I had to think of what type of genre I wanted my film to be, whether it was just a horror ( which I was informed is a very popular choice) or if I wanted it to be a thriller. I decided to look up what was needed in terms of codes and conventions for a thriller, but when I looked I found that there were so many different types of thriller: my one, I decided would be a psychological one, one that plays with the mind and makes you  shake with suspense. So I then looked up what I would need for a psychological thriller and found these; Codes and Conventions of a Thriller movie  I also looked then, at similar style films. Either with an instrument as the main focus ( the piano) or with psychological issues, and found.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Pulse Oximeter

This article is therefore intended for the occasional user of pulse oximetry. * Pulse oximeters. Measure the arterial oxygen saturation of haemoglobin. The technology involved is complicated but there are two basic physical principles. First, the absorption of light at two different wavelengths by hemoglobin differs depending on the degree of oxygenation of hemoglobin. Second, the light signal following transmission through the tissues has a pulsatile component, resulting from the changing volume of arterial blood with each pulse beat. This can be distinguished by the microprocessor from the non-pulsatile component resulting from venous, capillary and tissue light absorption. Function of a Pulse Oximeter * The function of a pulse oximeter is affected by many variables, including: ambient light; shivering; abnormal hemoglobins; pulse rate and rhythm; vasoconstriction and cardiac function. A pulse oximeter gives no indication of a patients ventilation, only of their oxygenation, and thus can give a false sense of security if supplemental oxygen is being given. In addition, there may be a delay between the occurrence of a potentially hypoxic event such as respiratory obstruction and a pulse oximeter detecting low oxygen saturation. However, oximetry is a useful non-invasive monitor of a patients cardio-respiratory system, which has undoubtedly improved patient safety in many circumstances.   Pulse Oximeter as part of an anesthetic machine * A portable desktop unit * A finger/mobile pulse Oximeter Indications COPD disease pulse oximetry is useful in stable patients with severe and in patients with worsening symptoms or other signs of an acute exacerbation, as a tool for patients to use at home to assist with their management * Asthma pulse oximetry complements peak flow meters in assessing the severity of asthma attacks/exacerbations and response to a treatment. * Acute respiratory infection pulse oximetry is useful in evaluating the severity of the illness and, in conjunction with other criteria, determining whether and how to refer pa tients for further treatment. What does a Pulse Oximeter Give? Nursing Responsibilities * Pulse oximetry offers an easy and non-invasive measurement of oxygen saturation, but has limitations and practice considerations that every nurse should be aware of. * Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a measurement of the percentage of hemoglobin molecules carrying a full load of oxygen. Oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2) absorbs more infrared light than red light, while deoxygenated hemoglobin (Hb) absorbs more red light. By comparing the relative amounts of different light absorbed, the oxygen saturation (SpO2) can be determined. However, there are some possible causes of erroneous readings: †¢Ã‚  Motion artifact: Movement (shivering or tremors) or improper fit of the sensor can cause erroneously low readings. †¢Ã‚  Hypotension (due to cardiac arrhythmias, blood loss or peripheral vascular disease) and peripheral vasoconstriction (caused by hypothermia, smoking or sickle cell disease) can alter readings. Smoke inhalation or carbon monoxide poisoning can cause high levels of arboxyhemoglobin and also skew pulse oximetry readings.   Response delay: A technical limitation that requires additional time to detect hypoxemia (SpO2  less than 90 percent). The length of delay can be affected by poor sensor site perfusion and vasoactive drugs. * Sensors are sized according to weight and it is important to select the correct size to avoid reading errors.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Philosophy of Special Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy of Special Education - Essay Example The paper presents my philosophy of Special Education which states that special education is concerned with educating students who possess particular needs, which gets in the way of their teaching and learning process.   Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe that each child is different from other children in a school setting, despite their physical nature. This is an interpretation of the fact that the child is unique and requires a well organized environment that is secure, stimulating, and caring, to simplify proper learning, emotional, intellectual, societal, and economic growth. My role as an educationist is to help my learners meet their potential areas of interest. This can be achieved by giving the learners a teaching learning environment that is conducive for effective learning, support them to disclose information, and motivates them to take chances while learning.   I believe that the basic elements that are conducive for special learning environment are: allowing learners to learn on th eir own, the teacher being the source of knowledge, and learners conducting research to obtain more knowledge using the guidelines provided by the teacher. The teacher’s role in Special Education is to provide students with information. The students’ role on the other hand is to determine knowledge using the guidelines provided by the teacher. ... The teacher can achieve this through open classroom discussion encouraging students to speak about their views freely. This approach allows space for each learner’s opinions to be put in perspective. The best method for this approach is to construct classroom discussion and encourage frequent classroom meetings. When the students feel safe and free to discuss their problems, they will love the teachers, the school, lessons presented to them and the whole class as well as the community.   The entire classroom represents an exceptional society of learners that are different from one another not only in their ways of doing things, but also in teaching learning styles. My responsibility as a teacher is to provide the learners the materials that can be used to develop their own grounds of knowledge. To achieve this objective, I will educate to the requirements of each learner, so that all students can sense competent and triumphant. I will hand over the syllabus that involves the good of the learners and makes teaching learning process applicable to their real life situations. I will slot in central ideas, incorporate projects, group work, units, original work, and practical learning so as to make the learners be involved teaching learning process. Categorically, I will bind teaching and learning process into the society to assist learners turn out to be caring and enthusiastic community members.   I will develop a learning environment that is compassionate, secure, and impartial environment where every learner can flourish and develop intellectually. I will allow learners to turn out to be   Ã‚  conscientious members of the learning environment, and the society by using approaches such as class gatherings, encouraging

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ethic of globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethic of globalization - Essay Example The present-day developments demonstrate that a good number of business organizations now tend for the movement of globalization. Since worldwide struggle in business extends and the financial systems of the world grow to be more and more mutually dependent, this development is estimated to continue. Hospitality industry is a chiefly inconsistent element in this movement of globalization. The reason is that hospitality companies begin to explore fresh marketplaces on the universal horizon. Furthermore, numerous corporations are launching interior "codes of conduct", so that principled conduct for their organizations can be encouraged. This is the method by which such business enterprises now demonstrate to their employees (administrators and other workers) that exceptional moral performance is important for the business firm. With the above observation, it is noteworthy to bring forth the figures that exhibit the entertainment of business ethics by a great deal of schools and a numbe r of business firms. This tells us that business ethics is escalating in importance as a subject matter of learning and research. The kernel of the discussion thus unfolds: ethics on the international horizon is momentous to the world's upcoming course of events and to the hospitality business. Discussion Advancement in the direction of globalization now carries along a mutual reliance among business organizations and nations. Sequentially, mutual reliance is likely to frequently yield outcome in disagreements among international business organizations and the host countries; however, disagreements among countries alone cannot be sidelined. It is highly predictable that these disagreements will stand on a small number of issues of ethics only. The dictionary definition of the expression ethics informs us that is it an area where good and evil forces come into contact and carry ethical duty on their sides; moral values or practice. However, the dictionary semantic exploration of the phrase and the relevance of this definition are probably dissimilar from society to society. Ethics, for the moment, is not used in the universal discourse. Although there possibly exist a number of models which maybe alike, each nation's manipulation of the term bears the depiction and observance of it rather exclusive. It may not be a surprise to consider ethical business dealing in India as corruption in the U.S. At this very point, there is a stark need for canon of an international code of ethics: a global ethic-constitution which is recognized by the whole world and cultures in order that the worldwide business practices continue to flourish. The significance of a worldwide code of ethics is obvious for any hospitality firms which see thei r existence as global organizations. The higher degree of similarity prevails across societies, the more straightforward it would be for common citizens from diverse cultural backgrounds to put hands together for mutual production. Another view that this observation registers is the initiative that establishment of a homogeneous system of ethics will give birth to originality and innovation. This present point of discussion maintains that providing each person practices things in the same fashion, the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Identifying a Researchable Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Identifying a Researchable Problem - Assignment Example The safety of nurses from places of work inflicted injuries and diseases are crucial to not only the nurses, but also to the patients, they take care of. The existence of healthy and amply rested caregivers is important in providing cautious monitoring, compassionate patient care, and spirited advocacy. Various workplace stressors that have been identified that can result in illnesses and injuries are present in nursing working environments. Some of these stressors include characteristics of the organization, changes taking place in both the external and internal environment of the health care industry and factors related to immediate work context. Research on better ways to improve the health and safety of nurses at the workplace is bound to reduce the accidents, injuries and illnesses that most health care givers are exposed to while handling their patients. If nurses maintain good health care and safety for themselves, there is a likelihood that the workers turnover in the industry is likely to reduce hence holding an economic benefit for the healthcare organizations. (Fabre, 2009) In addition, if people in the health care industry finally realize how big of a threat nurses safety poses, then they are likely to put more effort on training nurses on the best practices to ensure their safety. The information collected on the problem will also help in educating people in the profession on the possible risks and health challenges they face. The dangers of nursing work can damage health both intensely and in the long term. The quality of care rendered by nurses is determined by unique nurse attributes such as information and expertise, as well as social factors such as exhaustion. In addition, the environment in which nurses operate in, which does not only include the number of staff, but also the requirements of all the patients a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Alchol and beverages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alchol and beverages - Essay Example As far as it is within the limit, it is permitted. MADD is on the side of moderate alcohol consumption and does not insist on a ‘no’ to alcohol according to their philosophy. The organization bases its philosophy on statistical data in Traffic Safety Annual Assessment of alcohol impaired driving fatalities. Based on the fatality rates, it is clear that the philosophy of the organization as revealed in its mission statement is valid and inevitable. The organization highlights on the innocent victims of the crime, especially school children and attempts to support them. For instance, a statistical data highlighted to support their philosophy is â€Å"In 2007, an estimated 12,998 people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes†¦Three in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lives† as put on their web site. I cannot neglect the fact that the organization’s philosophy on drunk driving has made me rethink my business philosophy. As an individual I sympathise with their philosophy and agree that things are to be put in their place when it comes to drunk driving. However, as a professional, I have a challenge to find a balance between doing justice to my business ethics and playing responsible to the

The Effect of Video Modeling on Childrens Academic Performance and Essay

The Effect of Video Modeling on Childrens Academic Performance and Social Behavior - Essay Example rmines whether they are going to use and carry those aggressive motives socially and academically later in life, and whether the level of exposure to violent media tends to increase or decrease child aggression. Previous research has shown that children watch adults, peers, and the media to learn how to behave. However, there remains an important gap in research such that it does not address whether the negative modeling of violence has an impact on children’s academic and social behavior. Therefore, the purpose of the proposed study is to explore children’s exposure to violent media and how it may affect their academic behavior in school. Participants will include 47 randolmly selected girls and boys ranging in age from 3 to 10 years old. A 3 day study will be conducted to determine if viewing violence has an impact on children’s social behavior and academic performance. Findings from this research will help clarify the understanding of how aggressive and academ ic behaviors are related. This study contributes to previous research on modeling effects on children in their social environment. This is an important contribution to the existing literature and may serve to enhance social change initiatives through allowing parents, caregivers and teachers to better understand how violent media may affect children and methods available to curb potential aggressive behaviors in the face of exposure to violent video media. I would like to dedicate this thesis to my husband, 3 children, and my parents. They have always stood behind me as I have tried to achieve my dreams in life! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do! I love you all! A special thank you goes out to the school administrators and educators highlighted in this study for their overwhelming assistance in carrying out this important research topic. You know who you are. Without your help, this study would not have been possible. Thus, for your professionalism, courtesy, and encouragement, I

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Federal Emergency Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Federal Emergency Management - Case Study Example It is considered a must-have in every fire department and a must read for all fire chiefs so as to help prevent future firefighter fatalities. The Charleston tragedy was both predictable and preventable but due to a sequence of ill-preparedness and ill-advised strategic ideas lives were lost. One of the most important lessons in preparedness that is outlined in the report and forms the focus of this study is the training of firefighting officers at all levels and rank. They should be trained in incident management systems, how to assess the risks involved, formulate and implement strategies and tactics and in the effective use and care of life-saving equipment. The report found that in addition to the risks posed by the building itself such as highly combustible materials in a large area next to a smoking zone and with no warning signs, the large area covered by the loading dock area, no firewalls or sprinklers, among other shortcomings relating to the training of the officers at the Charleston Fire Department also contributed to the unfortunate events of that evening. The officers at the Charleston Fire Department were poorly trained in incident management systems. The firefighting protocol is that the highest ranking officer that arrives at the scene first assumes the position of Incident Commander and initiates operations. The identity of the commander can change during the operation but there can only be one at a time. The Fire Chief and the Assistant Fire Chief did not formally assume command or establish a fixed command post immediately they arrived. They proceeded to join the other firemen already on the scene without an incident management system that would have provided command, control, and coordination of the emergency. Since there was no one that was officially in command, there were two teams that were not to be working in tandem at different areas of the warehouse.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Factors Affecting Global Demand and Supply Research Paper

Factors Affecting Global Demand and Supply - Research Paper Example A research conducted by Ronaldo (2010) indicates that a significant loss of shareholder value emerges from gaps in demand and supply management. Mostly, these shortages in supply are caused by monopolized supply, poor forecasting, poor planning, low inventory levels, long delivery processes and poor communications. With a delay in one of the above elements of demand or supply, a big impact is evident in the business operations especially financially. When a company ignores the importance of advanced and innovative technology, it stands a big chance of losing its competitive edge. Demand can be either independent or dependent. A dependent demand is whereby the demand for a certain product depends on the availability of and demand for another product (Aswathappa, 2004). For example, the demand for mobile batteries will depend on the availability of mobile phones. On the other hand, independent demand means that each product demand does not rely on demand or supply of any other product or service. Factors Affecting Demand and Supply Demand for commodities and services are mainly influenced by commodity price change as customers can easily shift to the same product offered by a competitor. If there is a change in customers’ income, the customer can either purchase more or less with respect to the income change. Tastes and preferences constantly change among customers due to change of fashion trend or other influencers such health and change of status. Demand is also affected by a change in the price of competitive goods; if the prices of such goods increase, the demand for supplementary goods go high and vice versa (Nezih & Lewia, 2011). Government policies may also increase or reduce demand when they pose a control bill and supply restrictions. Further, when certain goods are taxed and levied heavily, producers limit production. Thus, prices are high due to the cost involved in the production, hence high price tags per unit product. Natural calamities and s easons play a big role in changing goods and services demand and supply. For instance, during winter, the demand for warm clothing is high, but during summer, the demand is very low. Commercial advertisements, when communicated effectively, increase demand of the particular product or service since a large volume of customers is exposed to the information and is willing to try out the product due to curiosity and as a result, the demanded goods flood the market (Collins, 2012). Demographic factors such as age, the total available population and a change of growth rate have a very big impact on demand and supply. A certain age group will show demand high of a specific commodity than that of another age group. For example, kids will demand more of toys than any other age group and a population with a big number of babies means that the total demand and supply of toys is high. Sociological factors such as level of education, marital status and sex will also influence demand. The quanti ty of competition in the market affects demand in the sense that if competitors are many, there is a lot of supply. Therefore, the customer has a wide variety to choose from, and this inversely affects demand and price stability. Cost of inputs has a major influence on supply. If labor and capital charges are high, the supply is limited since the producers have a limited production capability.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hitlers rule Essay Example for Free

Hitlers rule Essay However, historian Geoff Layton appears to disagree. He states that Although the idea of Nazism as a form of totalitarianism held great sway in the 1950s, such a view is not now so readily accepted. However, he also said that there emerged in the SS an organisation which was the mainstay of the Third Reich which would supports the view that force was the main factor in keeping the Nazi Party in power. This essay intends to analyse the significance of force as a tool to stay n power, through their creation of a Police State, the reformation of the German Courts as well as their elimination of both external and internal political opposition and their indoctrination of the German youth. It will also be necessary to analyse the various other factors which were employed by the Nazi Party between 1931 and 1939 such as control of the economy. Central to the forceful methods the Nazi Party used was undoubtedly their creation of a Police State. The SS, or Schutzstaffeln, was formed in 1925 as an elite bodyguard, due to Hitlers uncertainty regarding the loyalty f the SA, or Sturmabteilung. The SS had several functions, the first of these being as an internal security service. The SS police, the SD, worked in conjunction with the Gestapo to perform arrests and often interrogations by way of torture, and murder on citizens who were viewed as opponents of the regime. A separate sector, the Totenkopfverbande, or Deaths-head Unit, had the duty of guarding the concentration camps. The concentration camps were initially created in 1933 to hold political prisoners and opponents. The SS also provided elite troops who were fanatically loyal o the F?hrer to fght alongside the Wehrmacht. This meant that Germany, and more significantly, the Nazi Party, always had supporters in the army, meaning they were highly unlikely to face mutiny. Crucially, the SS were also in charge of the genocide against Jews, and this was furthered by their status as an example of racial purity. The Police system of Nazi Germany was extremely well organised, though it had many branches and subsections. Initially split into the SS and the Police, there were several further splits. The Police consisted of, of course, the regular Police, however, this also onsisted of the Security Police, under which fell the Criminal Police and, more significantly, the Political Police, or Gestapo. It is no secret that the regime used extreme cruelty as a means of policing, and in fact, Hermann Goring stated that men who used firearms in their duty would benefit from his protection, as well as saying that those who failed in this duty would be punished. In 1936, all of the police powers were united under Heinrich Himmler as Chief of Police. This police force was answerable only to Hitler himself and as such, had considerable powers. It was, ssentially, above the law, as its actions were not open to review by the These extensive powers placed the Gestapo in a strong position of almost boundless authority. If there was any doubt regarding a persons loyalty or ability to fit into the Nazi regime, the Gestapo could punish them as they saw fit. To go against the Party was almost always fatal, and this certainly contributed to the low profile kept by many anti-Nazis. Alongside this went the atmosphere of fear which was prevalent in Nazi Germany. The country under Nazi rule was permeated with Nazi spies and nformers, making it almost impossible to talk openly for fear of being overheard and harshly punished for any oppositional views. In this way, much of the potential opposition to the Nazi regime was suppressed, as it was extremely difficult to share any oppositional views. As such, little opposition was expressed, and this effect was further abetted by the terrible punishments of torture, interrogation and murder which were performed on those citizens who became outspoken. It is also possible to see how far the influence of the SS extended, as historian Andrew Boxer explains that he network of concentration camps became the basis of a vast SS economic empire controlling enterprises involved in quarrying, brick-making, forestry, clothing, furniture and even soft drinks. The SS in itself was far more than a barbaric police division; it was an institution. This is supported by historian Geoff Layton, who says that the SD system not only preserved the Nazi regime by its brutal and repressive policies of law enforcement, but gradually extended its influence into the vital areas of military and economic affairs. In this way it became the key interest group in the Third Reich. However, the power of the SS would have been greatly reduced were it not for the reformation of the German courts. The system known as Independence of the Judiciary requires that the Judicial system is not influenced by politics or the Government, so as to prevent the Government from persecuting opponents through the Justice system. However, in 1933-4, all anti-Nazi and Jewish Judges were sacked to ensure verdicts were in keeping with Nazi ideology. Judges who were thought to have een too lenient or to have misconducted trials were severely admonished, and in some cases, Hitler was known to correct sentences. From 1934, cases of treason were transferred to Peoples Courts which were run by Nazi Judges. This meant, of course, that opponents could be dealt with without any semblance to genuine law. By 1935, people could be tried for Acts hostile to the National Community without having violated any written law. This essentially meant that the Nazis could punish anyone beneath the guise of a legal procedure. People could also be convicted as enemies of the state as a result of their racial origins or their mentality hostile to the state. Two particular concepts were also created, known as protective custody and preventive arrest, which were used to Justify the detention of people who had completed their sentences or who had been acquitted by the regular court. These violations of the Judicial system allowed for the removal of any known or suspected opponents, which helped to secure the Nazi rule. The political measures taken by the Party must also be taken into consideration. Firstly, it is necessary to examine the olitical events outside the party which helped the Nazis to keep power. A political coup for the Nazis was the Reichstag fire of 1933. This destroyed the Parliamentary building and was blamed on a young, Dutch Communist named Marinus van der Lubbe. The man was of questionable sanity and was possibly framed; however the German Communists, including leaders of the German Communist Party on grounds of conspiracy to stage a putsch. This meant that the Nazis managed to increase their share of the vote significantly. In the 1933 election, the rules were significantly bent o favour the Nazis, and the Power of the State was turned against anti-Nazi parties, as the left-wing parties were disadvantaged. Once the Nazi Party was in power, the next step in their political domination was the elimination of any remaining political opposition. The KPD and SPD, both left-wing parties, were banned, and many other parties dissolved themselves. In March 1933, the Nazi Party successfully campaigned for the Enabling Act, which would allow Hitler to govern for four years without consulting the Reichstag. However, at the time of the proposal, the SS were present, hus presenting a distinct threat to those who may vote against it. This was another step along the road to a dictatorship. As of July 1933, a law was passed which stated that the Nazi Party was the only party in the Reich. This meant that there was no other option for the people of Germany. There were no longer any other political parties to replace the Nazis, so the Nazis remained in power. To quote historian Andrew Boxer, German democracy had been destroyed in less than six months. Another central aspect of this internal political change was undoubtedly the Night of he Long Knives, on the 30thof June 1934. This was an internal purge of members of the SA, as Hitler saw them as, in short, too independent. SS men shot around 400 people, including Ernst Rohm, the leader of the SA, and several other senior members. This asserted Hitlers power within the Party, making the Nazi Party inevitably stronger from the inside, as Hitler had removed those whom he suspected may be potentially disloyal, or even simply too free-thinking. The Nazi regime was irrefutably strengthened by the indoctrination of the German youth. Hitler clearly aw the significance of loyal, Nazi youth, saying in a speech in November of 1933: When an opponent declares, l will not come over to your side, l calmly say Your child belongs to us already What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community. This was, though chilling, certainly true, and great focus was placed on youth policy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Global HIV Prevention Essay Example for Free

Global HIV Prevention Essay HIV has moved from being an ordinary disease to a pandemic that is affecting people world wide. Strategies have been developed and are still being formulated on the way forward to combat this menace and preventing further spread of the disease. Unfortunately Africa is the hardest hit producing the first twenty countries with the highest prevalence rates. More than 60% of the adult population is living positively with the virus. In the US the story is different with decline of prevalence rate going down drastically but the incidence rate is ever increasing. There are the traditional ways that so far have been used to combat HIV/AIDS which include: Abstaining from sexual acts until at least one is married, being faithful to one partner without switching partners now and then and if the two methods do not work, one can result to using prevention (condom) especially among the youth. The main goal of this paper (study) is to bring down the prevalence rate of HIV nationwide and worldwide by seeking to address some myths and beliefs that are associated with HIV stigmatization. Disparities in race are some of the main areas of address. The other goals that are in some ways encompassed in this main objective are to minimize the number of people at high risks of transmitting or being effected by the virus. The other aim of this report is to address the issue of getting people to know their HIV status especially those that do not know and are living positively with the virus. The third goal of this report is formation of a network of people living with HIV/AIDS which will be like a social group for getting moral and financial support. These networks will act as the connection between organizations that want to monitor HIV progress and people living positively (CDC, 2007). For achievement of these goals, a lot of inter agency cooperation and non governmental organizations (non profit organization) input would be required not withstanding some strategies that have to drafted and enforced for total success. Success of these strategies will depend on the area where they are being applied. For instance address of poverty is a strategy that can be applied in Africa but not in the developed countries like Europe and US. This will be trying to empower people economically so that they will not have to exploit their sexuality for upkeep which spreads the HIV disease even more. A second strategy that would be effective is monitoring the morbidity and mortality arising from HIV so that utilization of funds for HIV program may be planned and allocated accordingly. This goes a long way in preventing the embezzlement of funds intended for this program. Another strategy that can work well is putting in place preventive programs and counseling centers. This is best undertaken through campaigns and organizing for workshops that are aimed at educating the masses on the HIV pandemic. The best tool here to employ is the media both electronic (internet TV and radio) and printed. This is the best overall idea and would work best for Africa which has the highest prevalence rates and also the poorest continent (CDC 2007). Program assessment and policy formulation is a further tactic that can be effective in the fight against HIV/AIDS. This will entail a lot of research and data collection that will employ a lot of disciplines to be effective. The data to be collected will be from the affected people therefore the statistics collected will be based on real numbers and not estimates. This will necessitate the usage of questionnaires and testing of the population to come up with data. This strategy will closely work with another that aims at building a database that will be for coordinating the function of all the organizations that are involved in various aspects of monitoring HIV globally. This database will be in form of a link that will be a collection of the various programs that have been developed since the pandemic started. Many of the organization here will be divided into various groups like those that offer counseling services and education to the public, those that offer financial help to people affected in order to secure retro viral drugs or for general upkeep (CDC, 2007). On top of all these strategies, a lot of finance is required to support the various activities that are needed to keep the machines of preventive strategies working. The money can be allocated to different activities related to HIV researches like invention of the elusive vaccine. Counseling activities also require much financing and preventive counseling is preferred since when the public has been educated about the dangers and ways through which one gets HIV, it will prevent many unprecedented cases that happen by chance and ignorance. As we seek ways to deal with HIV, other related sexually transmitted diseases should not be forgotten because they occur concurrently and they can be used as indicators of places with high incidence of HIV especially when the actual statistics are unavailable (CDC 2007). In order for successful HIV prevention and drastic reduction of its prevalence rate, many non governmental organizations from countries across the globe and governmental cooperation is required. This will foster strengthening and innovation of the existing strategies and if need be new tactics be formulated. The strategies lined above will be implemented in different parts of the globe which therefore calls for many enforcing agents in those countries which will be guided by the social norms there. The pandemic is affecting everyone directly or indirectly therefore the effects in Africa will eventually be felt in Europe and America. Reference CDC. (2007) Interpretation and Discussion of Findings. Retrieved 24 April 2009 from http://www. cdc. gov/hiv/topics/testing/resource/reports/hivprevalence/interpretation. htm .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Why Are Business Ethics Important?

Why Are Business Ethics Important? Nowadays for the company or the business man, making more money is not their only target because they should pay attention to other important issues .Therefore business ethics emerge as very significant for modern society and Modern Corporations. Further more, if they make decisions in business ethics, then these companies will have good reputations. This can be very helpful long-term. This essay focuses on how Apple company using business ethics and how Apple motivates their employees. In this essay, I have very clearly defined business ethics. Then it will talk about why business ethics and motivation are important. On the other hand, Motivation is a vital factor in an organizations success. It is defined as the energy that drives an individual to continue working on something. By developing motivation, the management is able to create a pool of workers who are passionate, hard working, ambitious, and committed not only to their jobs but also to the goals of the organization. Lastl y, motivation is encouraged by promoting needs such as pay, job security, interesting work environment, and healthy relationships among peers. This essay, which is composed of three parts: why business ethics and motivation are important, the literature review and some research of how Apple company using business ethics and how Apple motivates their employees. Why are business ethics important? Business ethics is currently a very prominent business topic, debates and dilemmas surrounding business ethics have attracted a lot of attention from various quarters. The only reason that business ethics is becoming more and more important and it has had a big impact on our communities. According to my research, there are many reasons why business ethics might be regarded as an increasingly important area of study. In summary, I can suggest the following reasons why a good understanding of business ethics is important. Firstly, the power and influence of corporations in society is greater than ever before. Evidence suggests that many members of the public are uneasy with such developments (Bernstein, 2000). For instance, one recent poll of more than 20 leading economic nations revealed that almost 75% of residents believed large companies had too much influence on the decisions of their government (Cywinski, 2008). Secondly, business has the potential to provide a major contribution to our societies in terms of producing the products and services that we want. It also provides employment, paying taxes, and acting as an engine for our world development. As a 2008 global survey conducted by McKinsey shows, about 50% of business executives think that corporations make a mostly or somewhat positive contribution to society, while some 25% believe that their contribution is mostly or somewhat negative (McKinsey Quarterly, 2008). Thirdly, business malpractices have the potential to inflict enormous harm on individuals, on communities, and on the environment. For example, the BP gasoline company, because it made a mistake, polluted large acreage of the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Further more, few businesspeople have received formal business ethics education or training. Business ethics can help to improve ethical decision-making by managers or decision makers. The knowledge of business ethics can help them to correctly identify, diagnose, analyze, and provide solutions t o the ethical problems and dilemmas they are confronted with. Why are motivations important? First of all, the term motivation derives from the Latin word movere, meaning to move (Tansky, 2003). To be successful or even more successful, nowadays both private and public corporations need to maximize the use of their employees skills. Aslan (2011) said Employees were considered as solely one of the inputs during the factories production process in the initial stages of the industrial revolution. And further more, human resource management is the most critical part fororganizations in todays highly competitive business environment. Therefore, make the organization effective through motivating employees that is the primary task of any managers. It is obvious that motivation can be main factors that determines the work performance of employees. And therefore an organizations success mostly depends on the highly motivated employees. But how do we motivate our subordinate? Maslow need tneedsy already solved some of these problems. If we know what drives the people, then we are able to make them to do what we want (Owens, 2004; Eren, 2007; Ko?el, 2010). Moreover, Kulkarni and Chiniwar (2009) said the Hawthorne Studies began the human relations approach to management, and then the needs and motivation of employees become an important topic for managers. On the other hand motivation is a framework in so many aspects because people are usually motivated by different combination factors. Reinholt (2006) argues that the organizational science literature on motivation has been polarized into two main aspects; the organizational economic position focusing on extrinsic motivation and the organizational behavior position emphasizing intrinsic motivation any highly competive business environment. Therefore, make the organization effective through motivating employees that is the primary task of any managers. It is obvious that motivation can be main factors that determines the work performance of employees. And therefore an organizations success mostly depends on the hi ghly motivated employees.   But how do we motivate our subordinate?   If we know what drives the people, then we are able to make them to do what we want (Owens, 2004; Eren, 2007; Ko?el, 2010). Moreover, Kulkarni and Chiniwar (2009) said the Hawthorne Studies began the human relations approach to management, and then the needs and motivation of employees become an important topic for managers. On the other hand motivation is a framework in so many aspects because people are usually motivated by different combination factors. Reinholt (2006) argues that the organizational science literature on motivation has been polarized into two main aspects; the organizational economic position focusing on extrinsic motivation and the organizational behavior position emphasizing intrinsic motivations success mostly depends on the highly motivated employees.   Literature Review One of the keys to successfully achieving organizational goals is to have fully motivated employees. According to Edward Staren (2009), motivators who implements positive reinforcements are more likely to produce desirable outcomes as compared to those who use negative ones. He also argues that factors of motivation vary on the individual level, which means that an effective manager has to recognize the needs of every employee in order for them to drive towards satisfaction on their work. Richard Clark (2002) points out the issues in addressing motivation are different when it comes to individuals and team-based organizations. He furthered that satisfying motivations in groups is more complex because the management has to find a common interests or goals from the members of the group before addressing them as one. Work environment is also important in motivating people. Other motivators include fair compensation and sufficient benefits such as insurances and performance-based incentives. In a study conducted by Poornima (2009) on employees in the IT industry, he concluded that both monetary and non-monetary rewards are not only crucial but also crucial in building satisfaction. In his study on software development staff in India, Poornima found out that monetary rewards are not always an effective motivator especially if the employees have already achieved their physiological needs. Michael Pepe (2010), on the other hand, identified extrinsic motivational factors to c ontribute to decreasing employee job satisfaction and commitment to work. Using a combined sample of 46 managers and clerical staff at a supermarket store, Pepe found out that as employees increase their perception on Supervisor ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s support, their satisfaction towards work also increases. An empirical study by Mannenetr and Kaen (2010) conducted for the tourism industry of Thailand and Laos showed similar results of positive working behavior if accompanied by effective motivational factors. Upon drawing a sample consisting of 140 workers who came from both the hotel business and travel agencies, the authors supported their hypothesis by coming up with the following results: (a) that the working behavior of people working for travel agencies and hotel businesses had the same rank level, (2) that the work motivation of personnel working for travel agencies has a direct and positive relationship with their work behavior, and (3) the working attitudes of personnel in the ho tel business also had a positive relationship with their motivation at work. Their study showed that positive reinforcements will then result to positive motivation, thus exhibiting better and positive attitudes in the workplace. Similarly, a descriptive survey approach conducted by Joseph and Dai (2010) identified factors that stimulate employees to work at their workplace. The study is able to demonstrate through a sample of 143 participants that positive motivators identified were: good pay, appreciation of their work, and job security are drivers of employee motivation. To measure the impact of motivation at work, Tremblay, Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier, and Villenueve (2009) used Work Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS) to identify its value in organizational psychology. Their study was double purpose: first, to assess if WEIMS is an efficient tool in measuring motivation level and second, to assess factors affecting motivation among workers (military = 465; civilians = 192). Their findings found that WEIMS is reliable and practical in producing valid results in measuring motivation in organizational psychology setting. Houts, Keppler, and Kalfayan (2010), on the other hand, focused on motivation theory, corporate culture, and employment law in relation to organizational behavior, human resource management, and ethics. The case study researched a true-to-life lawsuit filed against a company due to inappropriate team building exercise implemented among the female employees. The authors have exemplified that motivational factors may be us ed in the wrong direction to exploit employees and cast aspersions on them. On the other hand, I have found some information about business ethics. In my opinion, business does not have just one single goal, which is adding economic value. Every company wants their business keep profitable, that means sustainability. Andrew and Dirk (2004) said sustainability refers to the long-term maintenance of systems according to environment, economic and social considerations. This is the best way or the only one way to make a business keep survive in the modern society. The concept of sustainability is generally regarded as having emerged from the environment perspective, most notably in forestry management (Hediger, 1999). The environment part is the basic principle of sustainability. It concerns the effective management of physical resources that are conserved for the future. Meanwhile, all biosystems are regarded as having the finite resources and finite capacity. As this reason, sustainable human activity must operate at a level that does not threaten the health o f those systems. That means we have to build a world for our posterity that can really enjoy the same living standards as us. So the Mine Companies, Oil Corporations, and steel manufactures should focus on this important issue. On the other hand, economic sustainability focuses on the economic performance of the corporation itself. For instance, the responsibility of management is to develop, produce, and market those products that can secure the long-term profitability of the corporation. That means management of the corporation should include the business ethics concepts, and the top managers or decision makers should understand what business ethics is. Because it definitely can help them make ethical decisions. The development of the social perspective on sustainability has tended to trail behind that of the environment and economic perspectives (Scott, Park, and Cocklin, 2000). The key issue in the social perspective on sustainability is that of social justice. Because corporati ons are the most important engines of economic development, so they have the duty to help people to establish the just and equitable world. Some of goals such as ensuring environmental sustainability, eradicating extreme poverty and hunger and achieving universal primary education. It is very difficult to achieve the goal, but all the companies have to try their best to do it. Secondly, corporate social responsibility still a big part for business ethics. Making a positive contribution to society might be regarded as a long-term investment in a safer, better and more equitable community, which subsequently benefits the corporation by creating an improved and stable competitive context in which to do business (Porter and Kramer, 2006). For a company, the social responsibility is really important, and this is the most significant issue in business ethics. Corporate social responsibility that includes economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities (Carroll, 1991). Therefore, if a company accomplishes all the duties, then this company will have a very good reputation and it will help it get the long-term competitive advantage. First of all, economic responsibility is the most basic principle in corporate social responsibility. Because companies have their own shareholders who demand a reasonable return on their investment. And then, these bosses h ave their employees, so the employees want safe and fairly paid jobs. Both of them have customers who demand good quality products at a fair price. The legal responsibility of corporations demands that businesses abide by the law and never break the law or constitution. Carroll (1991) suggests that the satisfaction of legal responsibilities is required of all corporations seeking to be socially responsible. On the other hand, ethical responsibility obliges companies to do what is right, just and fair. Carroll (1991) argues that ethical responsibilities therefore consist of what is generally expected by society over and above economic and legal expectations. The last responsibility is philanthropic, this aspect of CSR addresses a great variety of issues, such as charitable donations, support for local schools or hospitals and taking more care about employees and their families. Lastly, ethical issues in the firm-employee relation. So its the ethics inside the company. Every company has its own staff, so all the bosses try to motivate their employees and therefore they will be working so hard. But if they do not have a good relationship, maybe a boycott will happen and it will be harmful for the corporation. So, the ethical issues in the firm-employee relation can assist with investors building a modern company. A first important area is the information policy of the corporation (Hopkins and Hopkins 1999). It can be contended that employees have a right to know about the reason for downsizing a company and redundancy. If the company fires the employees, the company should make the compensation package regular, because they become unemployed people, so they need enough money to bridge the time for finding a new job. Moreover, employees might take control of individual decisions relevant their own jobs, they are not only a pawn of the employers. Employees are also allowed to express their views on decision taken by employer. So a boss or CEO for the company, he is not the only one decision maker or dictator. Their staffs also have the rights to make decisions. Therefore, I think employees have a full and codified right to determine major decisions n the company. How Apple Company Motivates employees and business ethics Apple Inc. the one of the most successful multinational corporation, worlds third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia. Fortune magazine 2009 named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world from 2008 to 2012. However, the company has received criticism for its contractors labor practices, and for Apples own environmental and business practices. But, as we all known nothing is perfect, so we can still learn some good stuffs about ethics and motivation from Apple Inc. Apple has been committed to the highest standards of social responsibility across its worldwide supply chain. It has been insist all of its suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and moreover use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes. Well terminate our relationship with those suppliers which do not respect the code or they refuse to take corrective actions based on audits (Apple supplier code, 2012). To respect labor and human right. Apples suppliers must uphold the rights of their workers. Apple does not tolerate involuntary labor, underage labor, excessive work hours, or discrimination. And as a member of the Fair Labor Association, Apple is setting a new standard in its industry for transparency and oversight. Moreover, Apples suppliers must create a safe and healthy work environment for their workers. Safety equipment, proper ventilation, and emergency procedures are just the beginning. On the other hand, Apples suppliers must use environmentally sound processes, including managing hazardous substances, treating wastewater, and limiting air emissions. Its all part of a commitment that starts with product design and continues through manufacturing and beyond. Lastly, the most important part for Apple is fostering and enforcing ethical practices. Apple has established ethics training programs for managers that cover proper recruitment of foreign workers, record-keeping and documentation of business practices, worker ID checks and age verification, tracking of working hours, and general management responsibilities. Apple-designed training programs have educated more than one million supply chain employees about their rights as workers, local laws and occupational health and safety (Apple, 2012). Look at how Apple motivates employees. In relation to creative organizations like Apple it is argued that the key success factor is employees motivation and therefore Apple need to be rewards employees in order to foster creative thinking and sustain high motivation (Tiddand Bessant, 2009). On the other hand, Kaplan Norton (1993) said Apple makes a comprehensive employee survey for its departments every two years. The survey questions are only concerned with how well employees understand the companys strategy. Apple motivates people depend on the result of the survey. It offers, such as product discounts or insurances (Apple, 2010).This policy can retain more and more employees work for Apple. Moreover, Steve Jobs, Apples CEO, argues that the latter is the gravitational force that puts all the bright and creative people together (Burrows, 2004). By the way, money and gifts are both good things to motivate people. For example, Apples employees receive d a free iPod Shuffle or iPhone a s a thank you for their achievements (Apple Insider 2005; Meinck, 2007). So now we can easily to find that Apple has a good policy or systems to do motivate employees and doing ethical business. As far as I concerned, Apple will innovate more and more new high tech products and soft wares. Because Apples motivation policy will attract more knowledge people come to work for it. In the future, Apple will become a good example of business ethics, and then organizations will learn business ethics from Apple. Therefore, in my opinion Apple will lead our future. Conclusion Hope we can learn some about motivation and business ethic, and some good example from Apple. Motivation is a result of equally combined efforts of positive reinforcements and the personal goals of an employee. The literature review tells that there is a direct correlation between motivational factors and working behaviors of personnel. Theories such as Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Equity Theory, and Goal Setting Theory help in understanding how motivation is formed and achieved through positive and negative reinforcements. It is also important for effective managers to realize that not all employees are aware that they are already unmotivated towards their work. On the other hand, business ethics is very important for the company in the modern society. Both developing and developed countries must focus on the theories and concepts. It is very difficult to make all the businesspeople doing ethical business, but I think in the future, it will be come true. Our human will build a perfec t world.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Newspapers :: essays research papers

Newspapers have been around forever. They serve as a purpose to inform people what is going on in the world and in their own towns. The news on television is only on for about an hour, they would not be able to tell people what is going on in their individual towns. If there were no newspapers, people would have to make sure they watch TV or listen to the radio to get the news, but for people who work all day, that might be impossible. There are so many other things that a newspaper has besides the news. They list accomplishments of the youth and even older people. It lets you voice an opinion for others to read in the editorial. If there were no newspapers, people would be sitting in front of their TVs all day watching, instead, it keeps people reading. Without newspapers our daily lives would be changed forever. The news and radio would not be able to list everything that happened in a day, obituaries, or what is coming up in the week or month ahead. People would have to try to tape the news just in case they miss something or if they are not able to hear it. One of the main differences between newspapers and TV is that newspapers are much more local: they let you know what is happening not just in your region or continent, but also in your town or community. Having its own newspapers is a source of pride for any town or city, and for the people living there as well. If newspapers were actually to vanish from our day-to-day lives, we would be forced to move more to modern media like the internet. Newspapers on the internet do have the advantage of being potentially up to date up to the very minute of something happening. There are of course disadvantages as well: vast numbers of people (for example those who live in rural conditions) don't have access to the internet, and even for those who do, it can still be a complicated process for some, for example old people who have no experience with technology. Receiving news on the internet is also much more impersonal than receiving a newspaper you can feel and hold in your hand, delivered by a human being that one might know.

Christopher Columbus :: Christopher Columbus Essays

Christopher Columbus is an amazing figure of past history. He was known as the discoverer of America and the first true American. Recent studies have brought up a question if maybe Christopher Columbus is not the â€Å"hero† we where thought to believe in elementary school. Its is proven that Columbus’ methods of beginning colonies and taking land where cruel and barbaric. Christopher Columbus has turned out to be a different man from what I grew up believing. The first change that was brought to mind was the fashion in which Columbus ascertained the funding and supplies for his initial trip around the other side of the world. Mr. Columbus was quite a sales pitch expert. He wanted to find a passage to China, through unmarked waters. He had to receive funding for the great adventure, which had to be covered by the richest of the rich. The only place he could go would have to be the king of Spain. The fact that Columbus was Italian (a foreigner) he had to definitely make an impression on the king. Another problem was the fact that Columbus had never actually been a captain on a ship, only a passenger. There was also not a huge market for a Trans-Atlantic voyage. The fact that the idea of the world being round was a somewhat new aspect. It was amazing that this trip had started at all. The price of this trip included several boats, manpower, and survival supplies. This was all he needed to do the trip. This was not enough. Christopher wa nted 10% commission on all commerce between his discoveries and the mother country, the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea, permanent position of governor of all new territories, and a long list of other personal demands. Columbus understood the importance of helping others get what they wanted. He presented the royalty with dreams of wealth and glory. He even appealed to their desire to spread their

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Books for Africa Essay example -- Non-Charitable Organization

Books for Africa has kept over 28 million books out of landfills.(â€Å"Got books†page 1) Books for Africa is a organization that sends books to less fortunate children in Africa. Books for Africa is working hard to improve literacy rates in Africa. Books for Africa is a non-charitable organization that sends books to less fortunate kids in Africa. The organization is 100 percent volunteers dedicated to raising money to buy books. I'm sure you are wondering about sending books to Africa. The African literacy rate is very low and sending books to Africa helps the children in Africa learn how to read and write. (â€Å"Why Books?† Page 1) So, the organization is trying to fill the library shelves with books. United States Congressman of Minnesota said Keith Ellison â€Å"In Kenya, we were in a small village and the students had a wonderful school. They were eager to learn. They had motivated teachers, but they didn’t have any books in the school. They had no library. And so, imagine how proud I was to open up this box of shiny new encyclopedias and dictionaries from Books For Africa. They want more of your books. They can’t wait. They can’t get enough of these books.† (â€Å"Why Books?† page 1) Last year, Books for Africa sent 10 sea containers to Africa. (â€Å"Got books† page 1) Each container can hold up to 22,000 books and each costs $9,800. (â€Å"Books from America† page 1) Books are like video games in Africa, kids love them. So, that is why this organization sends books. They don’t only send books to kids in Africa they send E books, which are electronic devices that allow you to download books to them and you read them off of there. (â€Å"E-books for Africa† page 1†) Which is great since they don't have many books and the books they have are usually... ... bridge from misery to hope.†(â€Å"Books for Africa† page 1) Charity navigator the magazine said, â€Å"Books For Africa has earned its third consecutive 4-star rating for its ability to efficiently manage and grow its finances. Only 11% of the charities we rate have received this 'exceptional' designation, indicating that Books For Africa consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way and outperforms most other charities in America.† (â€Å"Books for Africa† page 1) This just shows how this organization is growing. Its growing fast to! Books for Africa is doing everything in there power to increase the literacy rate in Africa. It is shown that in the communities that have received books more people are becoming more literate. This proves that Books for Africa is doing a lot to improve literacy rates. Books for Africa is going to do great things in the future.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pollution and environment Essay

Junk science is the term used to refer on political and legal disputes that brands an advocate’s claims about scientific data, research, analyses as spurious. It simply means manipulating data that is the result of an experiment (Agin, 2006). There are many reasons why there are people who are engage in junk science. They want to change their findings and manipulate their outputs so that the outputs will agree to their hypothesis or target outcome. Personal motive is their driving force. The ethical standards are being violated because they do not show the real outcome of the experiment or study. Many sectors are now engage in junk science like universities, industries, faith group and even the government. According to Dan Agin who made published many books about junk science claims that these sectors twist science for their own gain. The benefits of their findings will not benefit the common people but for their own sake (Agin, 2006). According to Agin, there are two main cause why junk science is being done by these institution. These are fraud and ignorance. As what been discussing on the first part of the paper, deception on the results so that new development will occur. Ignorance comes to the scene when statistical analysis is being manipulated. It is very obvious that all results from statistical analysis are reliable. Agin gives examples as he mentioned from his book why ignorance is a main cause of junk science. One of his examples is the declaration of the Department of Agriculture of United States regarding on the issue of genetically modified foods. The department claims that genetically modified foods are harmless to human when eaten. But the department did not provide any proof on their findings. Instead, they broadcast their wanted result to the people without the result of their experiments (Agin, 2006). Agin is concerned to the welfare of the people on the possible outcome of junk science in the society. If a person asked where is junk science? â€Å"The answer is that it’s in the hiding of what you need to know. † There are many incidences where junk science can be observed. One of the first people who saw junk science results is the Fox News columnist Steven Milloy. He argues on the findings and results regarding on global warming, ozone depletion and other issue pertaining to the pollution and environment. He claimed that the results from the findings were not supported by experiment and statistical analysis. Because he wants to inform other people on the effects of junk science like suffering from a rampage against reason by special interests in government, commerce, and the faith industry, he made a website about junk science and the possible result of it in the society. From the institutions who are engage in junk science, the government is the most common committers. The government when making rules and regulation for their subordinates is actually made because on their personal interests. They will create rules and regulations that looks like it is concerned on the welfare of the society but actually the main benefits why they manipulate the findings in science is to expand their authority and to increase their budgets. People must be aware on the possible effects of junk science on the lives of many people. Concerned citizen must fight junk science so that it will eliminate the further damage that may be brought by junk science. Reference: Agin, D. (2006). Junk Science: How Politicians, Corporations, and Other Hucksters Betray Us Thomas Dunne Books.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Indigenous Culture Website Reviews

Question Response Website #1 URL:Â Name of Indigenous culture/religion presented in Web site Indigenous People of Arctic Russia What is the main purpose of the website you found?The main purpose of the article was to educate about the people of Arctic Russia. It goes into detail about the oppression of the people and the plan to erase the culture that they hold as an important part of their lifestyle. It also explains the current events that are happening between the state and the indigenous people.What roles and observances are sacred to this indigenous group? The roles that are sacred are the shamans and the sacred sites within the environment that they are located.How, if at all, has the culture or religion of this group changed or evolved over time? Throughout the years, the culture has suffered many ups and downs. The loss of the traditions was beginning to happen due to the interference of people not native to the land or the tribe settling in the area. The state also passed laws and in result has taken land and other resources from them. Currently efforts are being ta ken to re-energize the resources that were taken from the indigenous people and save some of the resources were not destroyed throughout the years.Has modern society (Western Culture) had an impact on this indigenous group? Western society played a part with the destruction of the resources in Northern Siberia. With the help of the Europeans, both were mainly responsible for the depletion of the land due to petroleum and hydroelectric mining.What is one thing you learned about this indigenous group from the website that surprised you or that you found interesting?The one thing I’m surprised in is the similarities the indigenous people of Serbia and Native of the United States. Both live off the land and had similar problem with the resources.What, in your opinion, makes this website authoritative? Because everybody knows about the native Americans but little is known about the natives of Russia and the trail and tribulations.Question Response Website #2 URL: http://australia. of Indigenous culture/religion presented in Web site Australian Indigenous cultural heritageWhat is the main purpose of the website you found? The purpose is to explain the religion, culture, and the way of life of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.What roles and observances are sacred to this indigenous group?The land is sacred to both cultures. The belief they have is the land is sustained and is sustained by the people.How, if at all, has the culture or religion of this group changed evolved over time?The culture has changed with the introduction of the European culture and the result of the decrease of the culture with the introduction of Christianity.Has modern society (Western Culture) had an impact on this indigenous group? With the introduction of metal, glass and metal within the culture from the Europeans, they understood the ease with using the materials versus just using rock.What is one thing you learned about this indigenous group from the website that surprised you or that you found interesting? I’ve learned that their traditions and way of life is one of the oldest cultures in the world. The culture currently exists today in Australia and there are more than 500 different nations that exist.What, in your opinion, makes this website authoritative? In my opinion is for the tourist that plan to go there for vacation. The site goes into the culture that the aborigines has to offer but not much into the past between the people and the country.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Love Suicides at Amijima Essay

This paper discusses how suicide is viewed in Japanese society, and how a greater understanding can be gained of the Japanese viewpoint on voluntary death by a study of Chikamatsu Monzaemon’s famous drama â€Å"The Love Suicides at Amijima. † The writer provides an overview of Chikamatsu’s life, literary career and the era in which he lived in the second half of the 17th century. The theatrical traditions in which he wrote are described as well. His domestic tragedy, â€Å"The Love Suicides at Amijima,† is described in detail, and the writer explains the social and family obligations in which the protagonists are trapped and which ultimately lead to the double suicide at the end. The theme of the Love Suicides of Amijima respects the differences between American and Japanese culture with regards to views of suicide, duty, and honor, while still remaining accessible to its 21st century American audience. Passion, heartache, and sacrifice are narratives that have existed eternally. Another theme is love and self destruction. What I have from my notes is â€Å"the dichotomy of the beauty and brutality of love transcends place and time. † As â€Å"One of the best ways to understand a different culture is to read the literature it has produced for one is introduced to the world view in which the author operates. After all, each text is made up of the particularities of the world that reflects it. And there is nothing more extreme and intriguing example of such suicides than the love suicides or shinj popularized by Chikamatsu Monzaemon. It is defined as based on a pact between lovers trapped in a web of such intense turmoil they have no recourse save the ultimate destructive act. Although we recognize that the writer’s works originated hundreds of years ago and certainly values, motives and times have changed in the contemporary period, it can still serve as a literary starting point to understand the Japanese concept of suicide. † Furthermore the events, characters, and symbols were all interesting especially Osan’s character because she is fully aware of her husband’s love for Koharu, yet she still decides to stay with him. Her actions seem to baffle me. She comforts Jihei, although he is crying over another women. Also, when she reveals that she sent Koharu a letter asking to end her relationship with Jihei, she immediately asks Jihei to save Koharu instead of forgetting about the request. Furthermore, Osan gives Jihei money, (money that is necessary to be set aside for business and the children) to take care of Koharu’s ransom. I am quite confused as to why she would do this, considering she has been nothing but a loving wife and a caring mother.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How engineers change the world Essay

From all the time, technology has been the main key that helped the development of industrialization and civilization of the world. During this process, scientists have made a great contribution. However, engineers were the ones that put all the theories into reality such that they could actually benefit the society. Besides the development of economics, massive education, peace and freedom of religion are important symbols of civilization. And engineers have contributed to the society’s needs for that. Engineers from different fields cooperate to solve all the technical problems met during the process of satisfying the society’s needs for education. They work together to build comfortable environments for students to learn. Meanwhile they also consider about the safety, cost and practicality. Civil engineers design and construct schools, colleges and universities such that citizens have places to accept different levels of education. In order to let students have a better understanding of knowledge, mechanical and electronics engineers help with the multi-media devices such as projectors and computers so that professors can use PowerPoint and other software. Electrical engineers help with electricity such that students can learn at night. Hydraulic engineers make sure that the water supply is sufficient and sustainable for all students of schools. Without engineers, massive education would not be possible all over the world. Not only education, but Peace within and across communities also depends on engineers. Within the community, engineers produce weapons such as guns, so that police can stop criminals and keep the society secure and peaceful. Across communities, engineers develop defense systems for their countries to resist and more importantly prevent the invasion from other communities or countries. The most famous example is the America space protection system built by NASA. This system is able to monitor the US territorial air space, detect any unidentified objects and destroy them if needed, no matter aircrafts or meteors. Such defense systems actually can warn whoever wants to invade the country to stay within the line and such that the peace of the country can be achieved. Without weapons and defense systems, the country  will be vulnerable and there will be no peace.

Dissent Theory Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dissent Theory Profile - Essay Example Usually in a group, there are two types of people: there are those who identify strongly with the group and others who have weak identification with the group. Those are who are strongly identified are the ones prone to dissent from the norms in order to protect the rest of their social group and their identities from outside forces in every way they deem possible. What is astonishing about the theory is that these same people who are strongly identified with the group will not easily and quickly dissent if the challenge is not on their group but on themselves as individuals. This provides a strong sense of how deeply these people feel about their social group which they identify with and the extent they can go to for the group which is not even the same they can go for themselves. The weak identifiers with the group are the exact opposite of the strong identifiers as they cannot go an extra mile (such as challenging the system or dissenting) for their social group members but when it comes to them, they will act to protect themselves more than the strong identifiers do to themselves. Weak identifiers are just an indication of the non-conformity that arises out of some people being disengaged from the group norm while strong identifiers are an indication of the non-conformity that arises out of desire to help group members or even change the group. The aspect of social interaction is important for this group of people and anyone or anything trying to challenge this social interaction is deemed an enemy and must be fought with or discouraged to continue doing so. It is for this reason of trying to protect their social interaction and identities to each other that people find the need to dissent. The reason for the dissent is justifiable as they are protecting not only their organizational duties but their social and psychological ones as well (Kassing, 2011). The dissent may even be an organizational norm but this does not matter and

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Question 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Question 1 - Essay Example The electrocution was caused by faulty wiring. Edward, also a guest at the party, thought it would be amusing to dance on the garage roof. As he could not reach the roof unaided, he decided to use a radiator under the window as a step. For some time, Alice had known that the radiator was loose. The radiator collapsed under Edward’s weight and he broke his leg in the fall. Question Advice Alice and Bert, who are both, being threatened with legal claims by Delia and Edward. A Glance at the Circumstance Based on the given situation, one could say that both, Bert (the landlord) and Alice (the tenant) had committed mistakes resulting to the injuries suffered by Delia and Edward. With regard to Bert, he was the one who hired Charlie’s Electrics which presumably did not fix well the broken light switch in Alice’s kitchen as Delia was electrocuted due to faulty wiring. Alice on the other hand, is somehow guilty of what happened to Edward. Edward actually suffered a broke n leg after he tried to go to the garage roof using the radiator under a window which Alice knew to be loose. If only Alice reported the loose radiator to Bert for him to fix it, the incident could have been avoided. As far as the circumstance is concerned, it seems that Bert and Alice have failed to perform their respective obligations as the owner and tenant of the place. Analysis According to Markesinis and Deakin (1999, p.69), the element of duty is associated to the following query: â€Å"does the law recognize liability in the cited situation?† The essence of this question is related to the duty attached to a landlord as far as the given situation is concerned. Under section 4 of the Defective Premises Act 1972, the landlord is obliged to maintain or repair the premises under tenancy. He or she owes a duty to take reasonable care in all circumstances to all persons who can be affected by the defects of the premises (Defective Premises Act 1972). This is to say then that Bert, as the owner of the first floor flat which Alice rented, has the obligation to make sure that nothing in the premises is defective that might cause any harm to any tenants. To take reasonable care would mean that Bert should have conducted an inspection in Alice’s area to check if there is something defective and to fix it immediately. Since Bert did not know about the loose radiator, it can be presumed that he did not exercise reasonable care to maintain the place. To note, it is not actually essential for the tenant to notify â€Å"the landlord of the want of repair† (Clements & Fairest, 1996, p.85). Nonetheless, Bert could not be made liable to Edward’s injury because the ultimate fault is attached to Alice. As the occupier of the place, Alice has the responsibility to take care of the premises. Taking care of the premises would mean that she should not do anything that could damage the property and if she does, she will be held liable to it. Section 1 of the Occupier’s Liability Act 1984 states that the occupier of a certain premises is obliged to take good care of the people who are in his or her premises especially if he or she knows of the possible danger his or her area might have. He or she has reasonable ground to believe that a person may go to the vicinity the danger and that the corresponding risk is one which necessitates some form of protection from the occupier. To note, Alice had known of the fact that

Monday, August 12, 2019

Journal Articles Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Journal Articles Summaries - Essay Example rise, as Latin America had utilized the forces of globalization a lot better than the remaining parts of the United States of America before the 1920s. In the decade of 1930, however, the Latin American policies started to edge away from globalization and it was a very critical time period in Latin American history. This article outlines the problems and their possible explanations which are found not from the increase in output from protection as visualized generally, but in the needs of profits, coming up with strategies to respond to the tariffs of their trading partners, and the call for reimbursing those participants of globalization who did not succeed (Coatsworth, John H, and G W. Jeffrey). The article, ‘Always Protectionist? Latin American Tariffs from Independence to Great Depression’ is written by John H. Coatsworth and Jeffrey G. Williamson and is a part of the Latin American Studies compiled and published by Cambridge University Press. The article starts off by exposing the fact that a majority of people do not in a good way, except some groups in Latin America including historians of economics. That fact is, import and export taxes and tolls were much, much higher in Latin America than any other part from the 1860s to 1914, when the First World War ensued. The decades leading to the First World War, also known as the first globalization boom or belle à ©poque of Latin America, were the years in which the tariffs in Latin America kept increasing. Knowledge of this fact gives rise to an economical as well as political question: What caused the taxes to be so high BEFORE the Great Depression and not AFTER it? It is a known fact that he high taxes are the cause of a misshaped local economy and it stunts the economy’s growth with respect to performance as well. But why the tariffs were so high was the real question. Latin America was believed to have made the most of pre World War One belle à ©poque and was way ahead of others in the process of

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Internaional Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internaional Accounting - Essay Example Russia borders on the Arctic Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean, and Europe. The neighbouring countries are China, North Korea, Finland, Georgia, etc. (Russia: Introduction n.pag.). It is an independent economy having a budget expenditure of around $372 billion and the unemployment rate being 6.6% (Russia: Statistics n.pag.). In the year of 1990, the economy changed itself from being a centrally planned to that of a free market economy (Russia: Economy n.pag.). FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT IN RUSSIA\ According to Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Russia has been ranked among the top five economies for alluring foreign direct investment (FDI) (Doing Business in Russia n.pag.). The country has shown a good figure in terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2011 where the Government debt was around 10% of GDP and the inflation rate being 6%. The Government is also planning to invest around $1.5 trillion for developing the country’s economy for the upcoming three years. However, the figure of FDI has not grown substantially as it is just accounting to an amount nearly $40 billion coming to the third year. And that means there are not many multinationals or foreign companies investing in the country (Doing Business in Russia n.pag.). BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT For doing business in Russia, there are certain accounting principles that one needs to follow. Each and every registered company or firm is required to prepare individual RAS financial statements for each financial year ending on the 31st of December. The framing of the financial statements are prescribed by the Ministry of Finance, and it includes a two-year’ comparative balance sheet, profit and loss accounts, a statement for equity changes, and a one-year’s comparative cash-flow statement. Supplementary notes are also required (Financial Reporting Framework in Russia n.pag.). Various international organizations like the World Bank and IMF are giving their supporting hand to the Russian Federation in order to improve the GDP rate. According to a study by the World Bank, the following data has been figured out (World Bank n.pag.). Figure one. Graph showing the growth of GDP over the years in comparison with Europe & Central Asia: Source: World Bank Here we can see that in Russia, the growth of GDP was very low in 2003 and gradually became somewhat consistent over the years of 2006 and 2007. There were no production in 2009, but it came to a considerable position in 2010 and 2011. According to IMF, this has also been found that Russia has been the largest borrower. Hence IMF is examining what Russia, in return, has produced or improved before sanctioning any more funds (Russia: The IMF’s biggest failure n.pag.). LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Taking the legal environment into consideration, if a person gets engaged into a tax or commercials dispute in Russia, according to the Court of Law, he/she will have to approach the arbitrazh courts. The procedure starts with filling in a form, and the whole procedure, in original, takes around 9 to 12 months to get completed. There are also some business regulations that are practiced in Russia which are the competition policy and the policy of price controlling (Business Environment in Russia n.pag.). Russia adopted the Civil Law for its jurisdiction in order to compete with the Western-European nation states by strengthening political and economic power (The Common Law and Civil Law Traditions n.pag.). Investor protection and